
Indiana Social Security Disability Attorney Blog


Suicide and Social Security Disability

The recent celebrity deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain have reignited a national conversation about death by suicide.  According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, there are about 123 suicides a day.  For each suicide, there are 25 attempts.  Men commit suicide 3.5 times more frequently than women. …


When is a Social Security Disability Application Considered Filed and Why is it Important?

It should go without saying that to be found disabled under the Social Security disability system, it is necessary to apply for Social Security disability benefits by filing a valid application for benefits. (20 CFR § 404.603 and 20 CFR § 416.305.) But what is “valid” application? For an application…


Rosa’s Law

In October 2010, Congress passed Rosa’s Law (Public Law 111-256) which changed references of “mental retardation” in specified federal laws to “intellectual disability.”  Historically, the medical profession, our legal system and our laws have struggled with labeling a person with intellectual disorders.  At the beginning of the 20th Century, persons…


By the Numbers. . . Allowances for Disability

Every year, the Social Security Administration complies numbers which it says represents the allowances and denials the Commissioner of Social Security has made in the past fiscal year for applications and appeals for disability. The following numbers are not just for Indiana or the Indianapolis Office of Hearings Operations but…

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